The highights on ITV 4 showed Cav apologising to Thor in the post race area.
The commentators said he was saying sorry for his newspaper comments after being disqualified.
You could only hear him mumble "I'm sorry for..." the rest was incoherent.
He might have said: "I'm sorry for...whipping your ass every time we've gone head to head in a sprint but not being consistent enough to get the Green..."
The highights on ITV 4 showed Cav apologising to Thor in the post race area.
The commentators said he was saying sorry for his newspaper comments after being disqualified.
You could only hear him mumble "I'm sorry for..." the rest was incoherent.
He might have said: "I'm sorry for...whipping your ass every time we've gone head to head in a sprint but not being consistent enough to get the Green..."