Here is a picture of the Dave Russel, post heating - the paint removed by the process showed where the blade used in previous attempts had broken through the steel - 531 can be insanely thin in places - these cuts were not visible through the paintwork, and only became apparent after the heating - my point is be very careful if you do attempt to hack saw, as you might significantly weaken the frame without realising it - i m going to get the seatube replaced now, as it is a frame worth saving
Here is a picture of the Dave Russel, post heating - the paint removed by the process showed where the blade used in previous attempts had broken through the steel - 531 can be insanely thin in places - these cuts were not visible through the paintwork, and only became apparent after the heating - my point is be very careful if you do attempt to hack saw, as you might significantly weaken the frame without realising it - i m going to get the seatube replaced now, as it is a frame worth saving