i dunno...i'm new to this game but have just also spent a G today in blb via cyclescam after having a genesis flyer robbed and i'm shocked by the volume of stuff on blb here.
seems to be the whole fixed scene is like any other...skating, snowboarding, bmxing...self-expression, feeling like you're doing something non-mainstream...whatever. some people are cool...some people are not. all of these scenes have some gnarl and it wouldn't be the same without it.
lets be honest...all of this shit is about one-up-manship...who has the sickest bike, the nicest styles, the freshest moves so there's always gonna be some arrogance/attitude. like everyone on here's never looked down on someone's set-up and turned their nose up. its the same shit hypocrites!
my conclusion..anyone that goes into blb and doesn't like it is spineless and easily intimidated and really should either grow some balls or melt their bike down and go hang out in gamesworkshop and wank over making the nerdiest metal troll figures...or whatever the fuck it is they do in there
i dunno...i'm new to this game but have just also spent a G today in blb via cyclescam after having a genesis flyer robbed and i'm shocked by the volume of stuff on blb here.
seems to be the whole fixed scene is like any other...skating, snowboarding, bmxing...self-expression, feeling like you're doing something non-mainstream...whatever. some people are cool...some people are not. all of these scenes have some gnarl and it wouldn't be the same without it.
lets be honest...all of this shit is about one-up-manship...who has the sickest bike, the nicest styles, the freshest moves so there's always gonna be some arrogance/attitude. like everyone on here's never looked down on someone's set-up and turned their nose up. its the same shit hypocrites!
my conclusion..anyone that goes into blb and doesn't like it is spineless and easily intimidated and really should either grow some balls or melt their bike down and go hang out in gamesworkshop and wank over making the nerdiest metal troll figures...or whatever the fuck it is they do in there