• Hi all, this isn't a personal classified ad but everything for sale here helps with a cash injection to the EHBPC budget desperately in need of cash flow in the next week and a bit. Any budget surplus will be transferred directly to the London hard-court bike polo association of which myself and dt (Dave) are co-chairs (and of course a portion will go to a fgss donation!)...

    We have opened a shop page here. Where you can buy polos and hoodies. 100% of the money from these sales goes to the financial burden of the event.

    I'll post up actual photos as soon as I can:
    polos, £20 picked up at the tourney, £25 posted but they won’t reach you before the event:

    And super soft hoodies £25 picked up at the tourney, £30 posted, but the hoodies won’t reach you before the event.:

    There are also Ltd. Edition Brooks Swift saddles limited to 250 saddles, featuring blue leather top and the impressed logo of the first European Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships held in London in 2009. Designed by Diego Mena

    Thanks and I hope to see loads of you at the tournament!
