• #27
Good article! Amazing mental strength
• #28
gutted that no one remembers him.
• #29
You just can't fathom what that would have been like. I'd not heard of him until yesterday.
• #30
the flag was waving in the wind. the moon has no air molecules.
the moon for some reason is lit from several different sides.
the background can be identified as a texture of a large black cloth through the mighty powerful bridgtness and contrast settings in photoshop.
• #31
i wouldn't be surprised if it's fake. They just launch a bunch of dudes in space in a massive rocket, let them do a few rings round the earth, come down, record the event and show in several months time.
that's it "quicker than the Russians to the moon" is ticked off...
• #32
Discovery Channel's Mythbusters recently investigated all of these allegations. The flag appearing to wave in the wind is actually a sway in near zero gravitythat they were able to recreate. They tested each of the conspiracy theory allegations and showed them to be flakey. Unsurprisingly.
• #33
the flag was waving in the wind. the moon has no air molecules. - The wave was from when they put it in the gropund, no air to slwo it down so it just keeps waving.
the moon for some reason is lit from several different sides. - Stars and the moon, no clouds, light moves better through no atmosphere
the background can be identified as a texture of a large black cloth through the mighty powerful bridgtness and contrast settings in photoshop. - Conspiracy theory 101
I have no view on the validity of the moon landings but would prefer it to be exposed as a fake so we could watch Obama apologise to the world.
• #34
Moon landing was photoshopped.
• #35
Moon landing was photoshopped.
true dat
• #36
One big fly in the conspiracy theorists ointment: If you could prove it was fake (and if it was then the hoax must have taken a lot of people to perpetuate) then why didn't you come forward and earn a zillion dollars.
Instead, apparently , all the people who took part in faking kept quiet.
Sorry but my knowledge of human nature leads me to believe the a whistleblower would have come forward by now.It was real.
• #37
Speaking of which has anyone see Moon yet? Considering seeing this, reviews are gooood
Saw it Friday, I really enjoyed it! Several people left midway through but if you are into your sci-fi and don't mind there not being aliens or monsters, you should love it. Some cracking landscape shots, and a massive obvious reference to HAL from 2001, Sam Rockwell is also pretty good in it, I've hated him in every other film. I read that the storyline (Helium-3) interested NASA enough for them to request a special viewing for the scientists.
• #38
the definitive answer
cleared that one upon next to the kennedy " assasination "
was he just cleaning his gun in the back of the limo when it accidentally went off ? or what ?
• #39
obviously it was real. massive waste of money. but real.
• #40
obviously it was real. massive waste of money. but real.
Waste of money??????
We got velcro out of the Apollo program, without that things could really have come unstuck.
• #41
The whole of NASA's budget since foundation to date is less than 5% of the amount spent by the US government bailing out the banks in the past 12 months.
• #42
Yep... And without NASA, there never would have been the Hollywood movie "Apollo 13" with the ever charming Tom Hanks.
• #43
How can you not like the space program- it is, afterall, arguably our only salvation.
• #44
To be honest Dammit... I prefered the pre-edit mortgage comparison. Your last post is over my head
• #45
Yeah, my mate's Dad recorded it on his 8mm in the shed.
You have a friend? That surely is a conspiracy ;o))
• #46
Balki I had to change it as you posted before me, rendering my comparison with Cliveo's post void.
Space program= chance to get off the Earth before it gets hit by a meteorite/runs out of patience with us/etc.
If we want, as the human race, to continue then we need to be thinking about how to do that long term, which will involve getting off this planet and spreading Truth, Justice and the American Way to the stars.
• #47
I want to go to space.... be a spaceman.
• #48
just wait till the martians get weapons of mass destruction george bush " the 8th " will invade i guarantee
• #49
Balki I had to change it as you posted before me, rendering my comparison with Cliveo's post void.
Space program= chance to get off the Earth before it gets hit by a meteorite/runs out of patience with us/etc.
If we want, as the human race, to continue then we need to be thinking about how to do that long term, which will involve getting off this planet and spreading Truth, Justice and the American Way to the stars.
i think people need to face up to the fact that the human race is truely insignificant and will one day not exist any more.
• #50
there was a segment on the today programme this morning debunking many of the popular moon landing conspracy theories. unfortunately i was half asleep at the time and only really caught the one about the film in the cameras being unable to withstand the differential in heat between the light and shade. just googled the answer i sort of half-remember hearing:
[I]There is no atmosphere to efficiently couple lunar surface heat to devices such as cameras not in direct contact with it. In a vacuum, only radiation remains as a heat transfer mechanism. The physics of radiative heat transfer are thoroughly understood, and the proper use of passive optical coatings and paints was adequate to control the temperature of the film within the cameras; lunar module temperatures were controlled with similar coatings that gave it its gold color. Also, while the Moon's surface does get very hot at lunar noon, every Apollo landing was made shortly after lunar sunrise at the landing site. During the longer stays, the astronauts did notice increased cooling loads on their spacesuits as the sun continued to rise and the surface temperature increased, but the effect was easily countered by the passive and active cooling systems.[51], pp. 165–67 The film was not in direct sunlight, so it wasn't overheated.*
I shall have to bow to your greater knowledge.
dyb dyb dyb, dob dob dob.