I've been toying with the idea of getting the next DA7900 planet x roadbike under the cycle to work scheme. This will work out costing me around £1250 after all repayments, which seems like a he'll of a lot of bike for the money.
I haven't actually ridden DA7900 and as most I've seen various reviews and it seems to be a big step
up over the old da7800 which I have riden before.
Has anyone actually ridden the new DA7900 and if so is it really that much better (for racing) then say the previous shimano 105/ultegra SL?
Hi all,
I've been toying with the idea of getting the next DA7900 planet x roadbike under the cycle to work scheme. This will work out costing me around £1250 after all repayments, which seems like a he'll of a lot of bike for the money.
I haven't actually ridden DA7900 and as most I've seen various reviews and it seems to be a big step
up over the old da7800 which I have riden before.
Has anyone actually ridden the new DA7900 and if so is it really that much better (for racing) then say the previous shimano 105/ultegra SL?