I was in Perth West Australia way back in the 90's when the helmet law came in. People did really stop cycling overnight.
Helmet laws are an easy win for legislators wanting to look competent without addressing the underlying dangers stemming from allowing people to drive inconsiderately/dangerously with light punishments.
So the granny tootling down to the shops now has to wear a helmet but you still have teenagers driving V8's like it was fucking Bathurst and chucking stubbies out the window.*
I was in Perth West Australia way back in the 90's when the helmet law came in. People did really stop cycling overnight.
Helmet laws are an easy win for legislators wanting to look competent without addressing the underlying dangers stemming from allowing people to drive inconsiderately/dangerously with light punishments.
So the granny tootling down to the shops now has to wear a helmet but you still have teenagers driving V8's like it was fucking Bathurst and chucking stubbies out the window.*
*left in '98