Here at last are the pictures, here's the bike fitted with clinchers at steel fork, please note the tires pictures aren't included in the sale, I've promised them to someone else, but I will find a pair to stick on in their place;
heres the carbon fork, if you want this instead I'll happily fit it and will stick on a new headset at the same, but like I said before I'd want another £50 for this fork instead of the steel one;
and here are the tubs, the rims are unused new old stock, the hubs are used but in good nick, the rims aren't Mavic Argents like I said before they're Mavic Montherys;
Here at last are the pictures, here's the bike fitted with clinchers at steel fork, please note the tires pictures aren't included in the sale, I've promised them to someone else, but I will find a pair to stick on in their place;
heres the carbon fork, if you want this instead I'll happily fit it and will stick on a new headset at the same, but like I said before I'd want another £50 for this fork instead of the steel one;
and here are the tubs, the rims are unused new old stock, the hubs are used but in good nick, the rims aren't Mavic Argents like I said before they're Mavic Montherys;