What is good power to weight ratio? I weigh 87kg and can flat bench 140kg (1 rep) or 110kg (10 reps). I would like to be able to lift twice my weight. Im nervous about lifts as I am worried about correct techniques. I did try a dead lift last week and done 80kgs without much percieved effort, but for the above reasons I wasn't comfortable to trying a greater weight. I can now manage 23 pull-ups, which I think is quite good but I have no basis for comparison.
What is good power to weight ratio? I weigh 87kg and can flat bench 140kg (1 rep) or 110kg (10 reps). I would like to be able to lift twice my weight. Im nervous about lifts as I am worried about correct techniques. I did try a dead lift last week and done 80kgs without much percieved effort, but for the above reasons I wasn't comfortable to trying a greater weight. I can now manage 23 pull-ups, which I think is quite good but I have no basis for comparison.