He has stopped responding to my ebay questions now :(
The hectoring and bombastic tone of his writing, coupled with a loose grasp of the conventions of grammar, punctuation and the use of red and black capitals all the way through does remind me of his posts here. I normally kind of dig him, but if he is trying to sell a resprayed OTP as a custom track-specific blah blah reynolds blah then more fool him.
The hectoring and bombastic tone of his writing, coupled with a loose grasp of the conventions of grammar, punctuation and the use of red and black capitals all the way through does remind me of his posts here. I normally kind of dig him, but if he is trying to sell a resprayed OTP as a custom track-specific blah blah reynolds blah then more fool him.
Why do I loathe trainer collections that look like that? They're just sweatshop shoes, not fine art you twat.