First time Ive added photos hope this goes well. The first image is a thing I made in about half a day, from bits I had lying around, and a frame(Raleigh) from the tip, proper pub bike lost it and lent many times, but it always comes back in one piece.
The next one is the mighty Holdsworth, that you good peeps stopped me turning into single/fixed.
"Dude" there I said it!
First time Ive added photos hope this goes well. The first image is a thing I made in about half a day, from bits I had lying around, and a frame(Raleigh) from the tip, proper pub bike lost it and lent many times, but it always comes back in one piece.
The next one is the mighty Holdsworth, that you good peeps stopped me turning into single/fixed.
"Dude" there I said it!
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