1. Jonny
    2. adoubletap
    3. fred
    4. wools
    5. willski
    6. furious tiles
    7. MrSmyth
    8. Sainsburys Ed
    9. Soul
    10. Dammit
    11. Fenella (possibly)
    12. tika
    13. teenslain (fuck it! If the move goes smoothly and I'm allowed out afterwards)
    14. dommyracer
    15. wibble
    16. andyp (I'll bore you with minutae from the route having ridden it the Monday before!)
    17. Object
    18. hoops
    19. Holmes81(need to check what else is planned, should be ok)
    20. Dov
    21. Leanne
    22. Aroogah
    23. Hovis Brown
    24. illy
    25. Hillbilly
    26. BDW [I shall be saying 'leakygas' at every opportune moment]
    27. Sam (the missus won't like it, but tough shit)
    28. horatio
    29. BMMF+2 (maybe)
    30. mashton (+1)
    31. fluff
    32. brett
    33. texas
    34. Rauri (possibly +1).
    35. Steve P [BDW's mate]
    36. Hippy
    37. FatboyRalph
    38. Markyboy - well it's local, innit like, sarf lahhndannnn
    39. VeeVee
    40. Jaygee
    41. gav
    42. Gustav
    43. ehren_fried_chicken