[] Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
[] A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
[] The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
[] A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
[*] A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
Under this definition (point 4) what is to stop someone setting a "religion" where the cause is the search for truth and understanding through evidence, unbiased, logical argument?
Point 4 is 'religion' (the word) used as common parlance, it is not a literal meaning. "He was fucking religious about time keeping, if you were 30 seconds late he would shout at you"
For instance, we may find 'fire' listed in a dictionary - and below all the definitions that deal with combustion and so on - there might be one that adds - 'passion' (or something similar) - as in "his heart was filled with fire".
In this respect, I would guess the legislative use of 'religion' would have a fairly tight definition (to be honest I have not read the actual bill) - to mean established and recognised religious organizations. - I doubt I could claim a zealous pursuit of - for instance - environmentalism as a religion in this sense.
Given such a religion was created then the teachings of the Bible, Koran, Torah, bla bla bla, would be outrageous to a follower of this region. Hence could a case be sort against all the god bothers and pixie molesters?
Well, like I say, I imagine the definition is fairly narrow, but your point still stands in the respect that the views of one religion will almost certainly outrage and offend another, so we are looking at a situation where even expression of religious belief is in danger of being subject of prosecution.
Point 4 is 'religion' (the word) used as common parlance, it is not a literal meaning. "He was fucking religious about time keeping, if you were 30 seconds late he would shout at you"
For instance, we may find 'fire' listed in a dictionary - and below all the definitions that deal with combustion and so on - there might be one that adds - 'passion' (or something similar) - as in "his heart was filled with fire".
In this respect, I would guess the legislative use of 'religion' would have a fairly tight definition (to be honest I have not read the actual bill) - to mean established and recognised religious organizations. - I doubt I could claim a zealous pursuit of - for instance - environmentalism as a religion in this sense.
Well, like I say, I imagine the definition is fairly narrow, but your point still stands in the respect that the views of one religion will almost certainly outrage and offend another, so we are looking at a situation where even expression of religious belief is in danger of being subject of prosecution.
This is a fucking stupid bill.