• #2
how much dorrar you got?
what type of frame do you want?
• #3
get a cheap pake
• #4
cheap pake sounds up my alley
any linkage? -
• #5
i think they're on google... try pake frames
• #6
I loved Jonny Cycles, but he isn't building anymore :-(
• #7
i think they're on google... try pake frames
not sure if that was meant to be funny, but I appreciated it.
• #8
anyone know anything about these?
• #9
milwaukee bicycle co make some lovely looking bikes.
• #10
bikebiz selling khs flite 100 frames for $250
• #11
damn it i thought this was going to be a "anyone want anything" post. I really want levis and shoes.
BUT if you're looking for something sweet have a look at the best of the best:http://www.handmadebicycleshow.com/nahbs2009/Build01.htm
(there's something for everyone and tons of droolwothy frames)
• #12
How about the "hand made" Leader?
• #13
Van Dessel.
Can you get me one on the cheap?
• #14
The best import dodge is to befriend US military personnel; tax free and AFPO shipping rates to the UK FTW!
• #15
Vin Diesel.
Can you get me one on the cheap?
Why most certainly. free p+p
- Vin "xXx" Diesel - I live for this s***[/ame]
my mate can get stuff sent over from the states with his work minus the vat and import charges etc. with the dolla not looking too bad at the moment can anyone recommend somewhere to get a new frame from on the other side of the pond?