• #27
They would nick your fixed though...(only your invisible ones fortunately, and in this case a 15cm frame with some serious risers)
• #28
There are lots of cats in my neighbour hood, i could catch them and post a few to you.
This will stop them using may garden as a litter tray.
• #29
I found my curtain shredding kitties on
there are loads of posts for rescue cats & kittens but also lots of people asking for around £30.towards costs... plus you are usually dealing with someone's beloved princess fluffy knickers who went for a night on the tiles, came home knocked up & now they are oh so happy to get rid of the evidence.
• #30
Bendix, how many moggies do you have?
Just looked at that website. Want cat.
• #31
We had a Spangle (no "S").
Her face, quite literally, fell off (some sort of aggressive cancer). It was horrific to see, but didn't seem to bother her too much
• #32
Bendix, how many moggies do you have?
Just looked at that website. Want cat.
I was fostering those two and their brother and sister - it was only meant to be temporary, just to socialise them till they could be rehomed... but after the first two went to a new home I couldn't let these guys go.
• #33
They're gorgeous, Bendix. I should get photos my neighbour's 3 cats, all girls. Im allergic, but adore cuddling them netherless!
• #34
Changing Cats
• #35
Changing Cats
• #36
get a toyger!
• #37
I can haz kitteh too? I could have a kitty if I didn't live with someone who was allergic. How do you get around that without one person moving out?
• #38
• #39
cmon surely someone knows someone that knows someone that wants to give away a kitten?
• #40
I'm afraid that the friend of mine who has a number (yet to be determined) of Kittens who are waiting to be born has already promised them all to other people.
He did suggest that he could do a run out to a mates farm as it seems to be kitten season out there at the moment, and therefore a few could be procured.
I am not sure whether or not that would actually end up happening however.
The reason that I am considering it is that the CPL would not give me a kitten as this one is clearly hugely upset at the proximity of the main road:
• #41
when you get a new one, can you teach it to use the toilet, a la...
YouTube - Toilet Trained Cat Doing Number 2
sorry if repost
• #42
The dirty bugger sticks his paw in and doesn't even flush...bad kitteh!
• #43
The dirty bugger sticks his paw in and doesn't even flush...bad kitteh!
ah which hand do you use to wipe?
• #44
I make like a dog and skid on the grass instead.
• #45
More like a cat falling into a shitty toilet
(wonders why I even watched that clip!!)
• #46
I make like a dog and skid on the grass instead.
/country hipster?
They dropped the 'League' in 1998 - military connotations apparently ...http://www.cats.org.uk/