while i agree, i think one of the main reasons students become so lazy is because there is so, so little work. i really felt that my degree course could have been condensed into two years work very easily. i use to be in lectures and seminars for something like 7/8 hours a week. (i don't understand how this sets anyone up for the 'real world') you can pretend that students make up a lot in their own time reading, but i think everyone including university staff know this isn't the case. unis seem to be becoming more and more of a money making exercise (like someone has already said look how much they charge foreign students) and i think there is a very real chance that we'll see american style college fees within a couple of decades
If you choose not to do the reading you can't really complain when there isn't enough to do.
If you choose not to do the reading you can't really complain when there isn't enough to do.