worryingly shit. i did a year at a relatively ok uni (goldsmiths) before realising that i totally wasn't cut out for higher education despite getting decent a levels. i went and talked to a number of people at the uni and not once did anyone suggest that HE wasn't for me. taking a year out, changing groups, lecturers, courses were all possibilities apprently, but at no point did someone turn round and say 'y'know what ross maybe you don't have the mental capacity/patience/concentration/whatever for this'.
i think there are so many things wrong with our current university system.
worryingly shit. i did a year at a relatively ok uni (goldsmiths) before realising that i totally wasn't cut out for higher education despite getting decent a levels. i went and talked to a number of people at the uni and not once did anyone suggest that HE wasn't for me. taking a year out, changing groups, lecturers, courses were all possibilities apprently, but at no point did someone turn round and say 'y'know what ross maybe you don't have the mental capacity/patience/concentration/whatever for this'.
i think there are so many things wrong with our current university system.