You haven't needed a licence for ages.
And when you did the photo on their web page showed a cyclist riding along the bit through Regents Park that they reckoned you were not allowed to cycle through.
I don't ride the canal anymore. It's not the other cyclists, but the joggers, and the sudden proliferation of those hateful zig-zag barriers. Usually in places like that steep bridge near King's Cross where you need to have a bloody good run-up to get to the top.
You haven't needed a licence for ages.
And when you did the photo on their web page showed a cyclist riding along the bit through Regents Park that they reckoned you were not allowed to cycle through.
I don't ride the canal anymore. It's not the other cyclists, but the joggers, and the sudden proliferation of those hateful zig-zag barriers. Usually in places like that steep bridge near King's Cross where you need to have a bloody good run-up to get to the top.