Yes - education should be available to all, but are our HE institutions really providing this? The numbers will say yes, but what is the point of it all?
Indeed, the numbers rule everything.
And don't even get me* started* on the fact that nobody who is administering the fine art course has a fucking clue about it's tenets as a discipline!
We are being taught that art is a career. That it's a job. And we are being subtly told that, while it's ok to reject this outright, that by doing so it makes you a pot smoking hippy of no use to society. Liberalism, even in art school, only works if you're willing to buy into liberal society.
It seems that everything these days has to make money. Monetary value overrides all other values. It overrides morality, it overrides learning, it overrides common fucking sense.
Indeed, the numbers rule everything.
And don't even get me* started* on the fact that nobody who is administering the fine art course has a fucking clue about it's tenets as a discipline!
We are being taught that art is a career. That it's a job. And we are being subtly told that, while it's ok to reject this outright, that by doing so it makes you a pot smoking hippy of no use to society. Liberalism, even in art school, only works if you're willing to buy into liberal society.
It seems that everything these days has to make money. Monetary value overrides all other values. It overrides morality, it overrides learning, it overrides common fucking sense.