@ Dutch Cheese - thanks, My little one is a while away yet but loves cycling. Just gathering info for a few years time. Isla bikes fit a rock Shox recon air fork tuneable for rider weight. Not sure if its available this tuneable as an aftermarket product. + 1 on the BMX racing. my daughter goes twice a month, one is training and one a race (ish).
@ Scot - As always a wealth of useful info. Notes taken. cheers.
@ Dutch Cheese - thanks, My little one is a while away yet but loves cycling. Just gathering info for a few years time. Isla bikes fit a rock Shox recon air fork tuneable for rider weight. Not sure if its available this tuneable as an aftermarket product. + 1 on the BMX racing. my daughter goes twice a month, one is training and one a race (ish).
@ Scot - As always a wealth of useful info. Notes taken. cheers.