I've got from my shoulder down to my forearm done so far and part of the forearm near the wrist. I'm going from my collarbone to my hand so a little bit more and I'll have a fully black left arm. It's time consuming and will probably need a few layers if you don't get it all the sessions near eachother. Bear in mind too, some artists find it boring (even though they probably wont say that) and I've experienced shit service from two tattooists who charged me the same 60 quid an hour for less and less work each time. Now I get it done by a friend who tattoos and is good with the large mags and black.
After my arms finished I'm going to start on my right leg (more heavy blackwork), ankle up to knee in a honeycomb pattern. Should be good :)
I dont think ive seen your tattoos, post them!!
If you don't mind paying for the same design about four or five times over, yeah.
I dont think ive seen your tattoos, post them!!