I don't think that discussing religion with colleagues should be grounds for dismissal, and of course I don't mind if doctors and nurses pray for their patient in their own time, but keep quiet about it - it doesn't do any harm (or anything else, for that matter).
But I do think it's inappropriate for carers to bring the subject up with their patients ("do you mind if I pray for you?"). The patient is in a vulnerable position and it's despicable to use that as an opportunity for evangelism. Furthermore, any atheists or people with a different set of beliefs will be made to feel uncomfortable about refusal (at the least), for fear that it might prejudice their care. Finally, it's completely unnecessary - does the patient need to know about the prayer for it to work? Isn't that a tacit admission that God isn't really involved at all?
Thread slowing down a bit, what do we think about medical professionals offering to pray for their patients?
I don't think that discussing religion with colleagues should be grounds for dismissal, and of course I don't mind if doctors and nurses pray for their patient in their own time, but keep quiet about it - it doesn't do any harm (or anything else, for that matter).
But I do think it's inappropriate for carers to bring the subject up with their patients ("do you mind if I pray for you?"). The patient is in a vulnerable position and it's despicable to use that as an opportunity for evangelism. Furthermore, any atheists or people with a different set of beliefs will be made to feel uncomfortable about refusal (at the least), for fear that it might prejudice their care. Finally, it's completely unnecessary - does the patient need to know about the prayer for it to work? Isn't that a tacit admission that God isn't really involved at all?
Wouldn't happen under BUPA, I tell you.