briefly, cos ya know, i do have to leave the house today... thanks for the reply, it does help to clear things up a little and i actually understood i think your explanations. which is nice.
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Just reading once more what you wrote, you seem to be employing a kind of substrate for everything, (if I understand you correctly) a kind of unspoken/unnamed scaffold to hold everything up, as in:
Time: Time exists regardless of matter, even if everything is gone, if no matter existed - time would still exist.
The Universe: The universe sits within a substrate called 'space'.
yes and yes. and to be honest, i dont see why not.
I can't really agree with either of these ideas, my own view is that the universe is all there is (it is everything) - and time is simply a measurement of change, it does not exist without change.
i was thinking about the idea of time being soley a measure of change, and i think its an interesting idea. but i suppose, in the end, i dont agree with it.
briefly, cos ya know, i do have to leave the house today... thanks for the reply, it does help to clear things up a little and i actually understood i think your explanations. which is nice.
yes and yes. and to be honest, i dont see why not.
i was thinking about the idea of time being soley a measure of change, and i think its an interesting idea. but i suppose, in the end, i dont agree with it.