and as for having faith, any layperson who doesnt have a working knowledge of sciences has faith. faith in what scientists tell us is right. im not a physicist to know and understand these things so i have faith that gravity works and will continue to work, faith that the sun will rise tomorrow cos of the movements of the planets. i dont know it to be true form my own workings out, but i have faith in the workings of others (to a point) and its backed up by me not floating away and the sun rising everyday i have been alive. but again it illustrates my point that regardless of my knowledge or view point, gravity and the sun rising are what they are, however it is to me.
i dont really know what we are debating anymore. i guess you know what ii think about it now though, sorry for repeating myself. it seems so clear to me, and i wonder if you (anyone)think something different or just trying to make me squirm (cos thats working too).
I'm not arguing to make you squirm, honestly. I'm not even concerned about what you believe, more about your reasons for believing it, and if your belief boils down to faith, pure and simple, then that is fine by me, but it isn't a reason. The Austrian philosopher Wittgenstein said that all arguments about philosophy run out of reasons at some point, it's just a question of when, or how soon.
I'm not arguing to make you squirm, honestly. I'm not even concerned about what you believe, more about your reasons for believing it, and if your belief boils down to faith, pure and simple, then that is fine by me, but it isn't a reason. The Austrian philosopher Wittgenstein said that all arguments about philosophy run out of reasons at some point, it's just a question of when, or how soon.