The universe, what's your view of it's form, unbounded and finite or unbounded and infinite ?
im confused, to me, unbounded means without boundaries, which is the same as infinite. so what i read that as is... infinite and finite or infinite and infinite.
can you clear this up for me please?
oh and do you mean infinite as in goes on forever in terms of distance, or infinite in terms of will exist forever - i.e. time?
An infinite universe......rule out a massive early expansion (indeed any 'start' to the universe).
surely not. isnt finite-ness measured from now forward not backward?
a perpetual motion device set in motion now is infinite (theoretically - not accounting for wear of mechanical parts etc), depite not having been in motion yesterday.
... in the very very distant future .... we will not only be dead but will have never have existed.
um, no. that isnt actually possible, due to the fact that i am sitting here. and i am actually sitting here. existance isnt merely for the benifit of consciousness. if in basquillions of year creature come to this exact spot that i am sitting and find no remains of me or my building site house, it doesnt mean i was never here. creatures may have existed on this planet or other places that we know nothing about, that our arrogance cant conceive of, so *to us *they have never existed, but it doesnt mean that they have *actually never existed. *
yes trees falling make what we call a sound (the waves outside of our bodies) even if there are no ears and brains to figure it out.
i think that (i have never cared to consider this before so i have only just decided) that time is infinite. the universe, our universe is finite. but, the space that the universe exists in, is infinite. it may be full of nothing that we understand or can clasify, but its still there. same as time will still pass when there is no consciousness to witness it.
im confused, to me, unbounded means without boundaries, which is the same as infinite. so what i read that as is... infinite and finite or infinite and infinite.
can you clear this up for me please?
oh and do you mean infinite as in goes on forever in terms of distance, or infinite in terms of will exist forever - i.e. time?
surely not. isnt finite-ness measured from now forward not backward?
a perpetual motion device set in motion now is infinite (theoretically - not accounting for wear of mechanical parts etc), depite not having been in motion yesterday.
um, no. that isnt actually possible, due to the fact that i am sitting here. and i am actually sitting here. existance isnt merely for the benifit of consciousness. if in basquillions of year creature come to this exact spot that i am sitting and find no remains of me or my building site house, it doesnt mean i was never here. creatures may have existed on this planet or other places that we know nothing about, that our arrogance cant conceive of, so *to us *they have never existed, but it doesnt mean that they have *actually never existed. *
yes trees falling make what we call a sound (the waves outside of our bodies) even if there are no ears and brains to figure it out.
i think that (i have never cared to consider this before so i have only just decided) that time is infinite. the universe, our universe is finite. but, the space that the universe exists in, is infinite. it may be full of nothing that we understand or can clasify, but its still there. same as time will still pass when there is no consciousness to witness it.