Ok, time to stop looking a belt drives and have some proper Italian porn. I assume some of you have come across the GS Gucci Life site. But what a collection of quality bike porn. Quite a large selection of quality porn porn, too. Here is a wholesale steal of some of my favourites.
I think that is one of the nicest pursuits I have ever seen.
I hadn't seen these FIR six spoke wheels before. Sort of a classy Spok
Bloody hell, looks like I still have a lot of work to do on the Colnago.
That is brutal. I have also never seen a Shamal with so many spokes
Ok, time to stop looking a belt drives and have some proper Italian porn. I assume some of you have come across the GS Gucci Life site. But what a collection of quality bike porn. Quite a large selection of quality porn porn, too. Here is a wholesale steal of some of my favourites.
I think that is one of the nicest pursuits I have ever seen.
I hadn't seen these FIR six spoke wheels before. Sort of a classy Spok
Bloody hell, looks like I still have a lot of work to do on the Colnago.
That is brutal. I have also never seen a Shamal with so many spokes
Anyway, check the site out there is lots more Italian mentalness - http://gs-guccilife.blogspot.com/