• having done a couple of dynamos i'll proffer this advice regarding food.
    mix it up. do not take duplicates of the same thing, once you have eaten one squashed peanut butter bagel you don't feel like eating another. i made the mistake of taking more than one banana and having eaten 2 the 3rd doesn't seem very appertising, i would take a mix of different flavour energy bars/flapjaks/buiscuits plus something slightly sugary that is easy to snack from a pocket.(i ate jelly babies constantly)
    save the energy gel for the last 10 miles (if you need it before then you didn't take enough food or failed to eat what you did bring).
    take plenty of it. have always managed to eat everything i took and the first year 4 of us only made it because somebody saved a bag of macadamia nuts and cranberries which were handed out like precious life saving objects. despite bringing lots to eat.
    the food at the feed station is basic and you will probably have to stand in a queue so eat something while you wait.
    i'm really skinny so have to eat constantly on a ride like that so i guess some people will find it easier to fuel themselves, despite eating loads i still had 3 sugars in a couple of cups of tea at the food stop (i never have sugar in tea).
    don't forget the carb loading the day before.

    Sound advice there MrSmyth.
    All said though anything is possible, last year I started out as part of a group of three and one of us dropped out before Epping taking my other mates food with him in his panniers. Leaving him with only a bag of carrots(don't ask) and he made it all the way without complaining on a shitey old mountain bike.
