Almost identical to my Rush- same groupset, paintjob. Is it a 2006?
I put that up a while ago on here and never really got any takers for it- I did get some interest on SIngletrack World, but again it was more of a timewasting experience than anything else.
If you really want to get shot of it (which I never really did!) then eBay is the way to go I am afraid.
It also means you avoid the "Will you take 60% of the value you want for it and post it to Yorkshire/how about £120 for the frame?" type messages.
Almost identical to my Rush- same groupset, paintjob. Is it a 2006?
I put that up a while ago on here and never really got any takers for it- I did get some interest on SIngletrack World, but again it was more of a timewasting experience than anything else.
If you really want to get shot of it (which I never really did!) then eBay is the way to go I am afraid.
It also means you avoid the "Will you take 60% of the value you want for it and post it to Yorkshire/how about £120 for the frame?" type messages.