Not so sure that there's a difference in driver's ability to spot cyclists further out of London but I do notice that drivers generally seem very courteous and patient to cyclists (me) around my way and there are far fewer cyclists here than other areas of London.
Here's exactly where it happened and he was crossing right to left
Not so sure that there's a difference in driver's ability to spot cyclists further out of London but I do notice that drivers generally seem very courteous and patient to cyclists (me) around my way and there are far fewer cyclists here than other areas of London.
Here's exactly where it happened and he was crossing right to left,-4.064941&sspn=13.209342,39.375&ie=UTF8&ll=51.46612,0.106773&spn=0.003395,0.009613&z=17&layer=c&cbll=51.466056,0.106958&panoid=fByVg1h2UGsUbRvJoezfbA&cbp=12,303.64,,0,22.38