I see where you're coming from and that's one angle alright...you could however apply that logic to anything (Cars/motorbikes etc.). I enjoy the aesthetics of a bike too, as is obvious many others do with the bike porn thread going strong everyday.
This bike will live inside my apartment, and can be taken into the office, it won't be a bike to take to the shops or leave locked in city centre for the day.
I clearly don't want to sacrifice the practicality of the bike either in trying to avoid the 'not riding before I buy' hence mention of shop14 and trying to source the ciocc within a reasonable distance.
I see where you're coming from and that's one angle alright...you could however apply that logic to anything (Cars/motorbikes etc.). I enjoy the aesthetics of a bike too, as is obvious many others do with the bike porn thread going strong everyday.
This bike will live inside my apartment, and can be taken into the office, it won't be a bike to take to the shops or leave locked in city centre for the day.
I clearly don't want to sacrifice the practicality of the bike either in trying to avoid the 'not riding before I buy' hence mention of shop14 and trying to source the ciocc within a reasonable distance.