Amazing huh. Rode it last week, my research in the weeks leading up to it to led me to some rubbish forum or other where some guy was pontificating about the Ventoux and how it wasn't much to look at from ground level. I can only conclude he was bullshitting and has only seen it in books. The place is awesome - I love the way you see the whole mountain from miles off, like some kid's drawing, a big triangular thing plonked down on the earth. The stretch in the woods will haunt me forever. Enjoy - and go wide at Chalet Raynard - its the only flat bit for 21kms! My humble opinion is that Galibier is harder by virtue of how difficult the last 8ks or so are after 20k odd of climbing - the bit in the woods on Ventoux is however quite mental. It is splitting hairs of course - one incredibly difficuly climb being slightly more difficult than the other incredibly difficult climb!
Amazing huh. Rode it last week, my research in the weeks leading up to it to led me to some rubbish forum or other where some guy was pontificating about the Ventoux and how it wasn't much to look at from ground level. I can only conclude he was bullshitting and has only seen it in books. The place is awesome - I love the way you see the whole mountain from miles off, like some kid's drawing, a big triangular thing plonked down on the earth. The stretch in the woods will haunt me forever. Enjoy - and go wide at Chalet Raynard - its the only flat bit for 21kms! My humble opinion is that Galibier is harder by virtue of how difficult the last 8ks or so are after 20k odd of climbing - the bit in the woods on Ventoux is however quite mental. It is splitting hairs of course - one incredibly difficuly climb being slightly more difficult than the other incredibly difficult climb!