Borrow a smaller bike from someone and see how that feels and whether it generates the shakes.
Simply: If this you or the bike? If you don't experience it on another bike, then it's your bike. In which case as it's not you it's some trait of the bike... such as the saddle, or size, or angles, etc.
But you should just get the basic question answered first: If this you or the bike that is the cause? And the simple way to answer that is to borrow a smaller bike and try that for a few days.
Borrow a smaller bike from someone and see how that feels and whether it generates the shakes.
Simply: If this you or the bike? If you don't experience it on another bike, then it's your bike. In which case as it's not you it's some trait of the bike... such as the saddle, or size, or angles, etc.
But you should just get the basic question answered first: If this you or the bike that is the cause? And the simple way to answer that is to borrow a smaller bike and try that for a few days.