I fell out of love with my Blackburn Air Stik when the postman brought this:
It's a 16cm-long Air Stik SL, also made by Blackburn. The whole pump fits inside a jersey pocket, so there's no chance of it jumping out when you go over a bump. 15 quid from eBay, 20 from most shops. You can inflate a tyre from empty to rideable in jig time - maybe no' up to 120psi, right enough, but certainly hard enough that it doesn't feel spongy. Presta only. Also available in white.
I fell out of love with my Blackburn Air Stik when the postman brought this:
It's a 16cm-long Air Stik SL, also made by Blackburn. The whole pump fits inside a jersey pocket, so there's no chance of it jumping out when you go over a bump. 15 quid from eBay, 20 from most shops. You can inflate a tyre from empty to rideable in jig time - maybe no' up to 120psi, right enough, but certainly hard enough that it doesn't feel spongy. Presta only. Also available in white.