I'm a recent clipless convert. Dey iz da awesomez.
I think what CrazyJames' point is referring to is if you want to join the brakless brigade. If you have a front brake then an unclip fail isn't the end of the world.
I'm currently using ATACs. It's only been a couple of months but so far so good. I've never felt worried about unclipping or anything like that. In fact, providing I keep an eye on cleat wear, I find it hard to believe it could ever happen. You never know though...
I quite liked my clips and double straps but peeps are right - the power transfer isn't quite the same. You can of course tighten straps but then if a car takes you out you're pretty much stuck to your bike. At least with clipless pedals you've got a better chance of coming free from your bike in the event of a collision. Which I see as a good thing!
I'm a recent clipless convert. Dey iz da awesomez.
I think what CrazyJames' point is referring to is if you want to join the brakless brigade. If you have a front brake then an unclip fail isn't the end of the world.
I'm currently using ATACs. It's only been a couple of months but so far so good. I've never felt worried about unclipping or anything like that. In fact, providing I keep an eye on cleat wear, I find it hard to believe it could ever happen. You never know though...
I quite liked my clips and double straps but peeps are right - the power transfer isn't quite the same. You can of course tighten straps but then if a car takes you out you're pretty much stuck to your bike. At least with clipless pedals you've got a better chance of coming free from your bike in the event of a collision. Which I see as a good thing!