I lost Ved and Murtle or was it Hael and Ved? I dunno on the way back.. and then managed to pile into the steps on the ThamesCuntPath outside The Ship... wtf?! Who puts two fucking stairs on a bike path?! Didn't actually crash but it certainly wasn't a graceful bunnyhop.. pinch flat rear.. fuck.
Then on the way home, since in my drunken haste I'd not really bothered to inflate the rear properly, I hit a fucking pothole and bang.. fucking pinchflat rear!
Motherfuckingshittingbastardfucker! Walkies..
Good night otherwise :)
You were meant to follow me FFS! Not run into some fckin steps...
It took me aaaages to get home and had to get off and walk some parts...wobble wobble....I was (still am) properly toasted
You were meant to follow me FFS! Not run into some fckin steps...
It took me aaaages to get home and had to get off and walk some parts...wobble wobble....I was (still am) properly toasted