Not spotted: me, by the driver of a Peugeot 407 who decided to turn right straight into me, despite me being in the middle of a nice clear bit of road, looking at him and shouting. No lasting damage to me or the bike thank goodness.
Spotted: me, by Dougie Fresh, just as I was stopped at oxford circus changing my tunes and reading a text by that very same person. Nice to stop for a chat.
Not spotted: me, by the driver of a Peugeot 407 who decided to turn right straight into me, despite me being in the middle of a nice clear bit of road, looking at him and shouting. No lasting damage to me or the bike thank goodness.
Spotted: me, by Dougie Fresh, just as I was stopped at oxford circus changing my tunes and reading a text by that very same person. Nice to stop for a chat.