I had a full-on row with a guy who tried that this mornin'... I told him in no uncertain terms that I was gonna kick his head in if he undertook me when I spotted him out of the corner of my eye... "But I wasn't going to undertake you!" was his reply... He was practically cycling on the kerb, his front wheel already in line with my cranks... He backed off, then he tried it again!?! WTF?!?
And the motorcade sped on...
i'm so sick of people edging up all in my peripheries! heh. everyone rides at their own pace, fine. if mine is too slow for you, overtake me by all means, just dont edge up on the inside you bastards! (repost) i nearly got taken out the other day by a totally oblivious girl who came rushing up the inside, knocking my arm & hitting her pedal on the kerb!! jeeeeesus. (/repost)
i'm so sick of people edging up all in my peripheries! heh. everyone rides at their own pace, fine. if mine is too slow for you, overtake me by all means, just dont edge up on the inside you bastards! (repost) i nearly got taken out the other day by a totally oblivious girl who came rushing up the inside, knocking my arm & hitting her pedal on the kerb!! jeeeeesus. (/repost)