"SOLD" Front brake, black and silver, 5cm drop, dual pivot, allen bolt fixing (some rust on that) , release mechanism to allow the wheel out, rusty cable adjuster, a bit of life left in the brake blocks.
Free/ gratis/ nothing.
Posted or collect @ Westies Thursday.
Dibs + PM and its yours. (Please send your name & address if its a postie job on the dibs mail, to-ing and fro-ing on pm's drives me nuts!).
"SOLD" Front brake, black and silver, 5cm drop, dual pivot, allen bolt fixing (some rust on that) , release mechanism to allow the wheel out, rusty cable adjuster, a bit of life left in the brake blocks.
Free/ gratis/ nothing.
Posted or collect @ Westies Thursday.
Dibs + PM and its yours. (Please send your name & address if its a postie job on the dibs mail, to-ing and fro-ing on pm's drives me nuts!).
Muchos gassy ass!