Has anyone noticed the douche who rides around town all day on a fully loaded tourer complete with front and rear panniers with bags, saddle and handlebar bags, always dressed in black with a scarf around his lower face, sunglasses and a helmet?! Well apart from looking like a twat he's a f**king danger!! Avoid cycling near him, he rides really erratically and as a result has put me and other cyclists/pedestrians/drivers in dangerous positions!!
On a lighter note, whos is the orange fixie with bullhorns?! Looks pretty sexy!!
Has anyone noticed the douche who rides around town all day on a fully loaded tourer complete with front and rear panniers with bags, saddle and handlebar bags, always dressed in black with a scarf around his lower face, sunglasses and a helmet?! Well apart from looking like a twat he's a f**king danger!! Avoid cycling near him, he rides really erratically and as a result has put me and other cyclists/pedestrians/drivers in dangerous positions!!
On a lighter note, whos is the orange fixie with bullhorns?! Looks pretty sexy!!