Tube strike, London

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  • Sparkle Motion - Divided We Stand

  • oh I see, so my dad going thro the miners strike was doing it all wrong, if only he sat down with that sensible Mrs Thatcher and chatted about it over a cup of tea then he wouldn't have had to put up with those nasty police charges

    Sorry, should have made it clear I was talking specifically about RMT vs. LUL / TfL, not anything else.

  • Winding up Winston aside

    I thought it was great seeing all the people out that wouldn't do it, i have heard a lot of "i feel surprisingly good", "it's quicker than the bus" and "i am all energised"

    i think if they packed in people would adapt and find their own way pretty quickly

  • Aha, "Maggie" praise - that's like Hitler/Godwin's Law for a thread, innit?

  • hang about, that t-shirt, that hair - something toy want to share with us Greasy?

  • hi greasy, i used to work for the underground and i now work for network rail. i don't drive a train and i sometimes wear a suit. you might now be aware of it but we have a few mutual friends. i look forward to meeting you soon and you can tell me all about how useless i am. cheers!

    that would be nice, i'll pay to avoid any strikes at the bar

  • what's a miner, Daddy Wayne? tries to look sage

    they're like steelworkers, just a bit dirtier…

    there's probably some programme about them on the History channel or summfink…

  • I thought it was great seeing all the people out that wouldn't do it, i have heard a lot of "i feel surprisingly good", "it's quicker than the bus" and "i am all energised" they set about creating living carnage by reading the road really badly..

    I have to laugh, I thought this morning was a bunch of fun.. suddenly coming up to mayhem at exactly the part of Theobold's I'd imagined was hilarious and for some reason I got to singing "Tell Me Why" by the Beatles, off the Hard Day's Night soundtrack album (1964, Parlophone, prod. G. Martin, eng. Norman Smith). Looking forward to tomorrow - if the weather's similar a ton more people should be out doing it after having got so wound up on the bus today...

  • Miners? Didn't that nice Mr Churchill have them all shot? The ones that weren't gassed or died in mine collapses or died slowly and painfully of miner's lung, thatis, of course. Now they have that nice Mrs Thatcher to thank for bringing them up into the daylight so that we can import coal from places where "health and safety" are unknown words.

  • DIT-fucking-O

    I busted my ass and lost a lot of my life and health trying to forge a career and got shafted every end of year, i moved companies when it didn't work for me and got my head down when it got rough.
    I'd love to throw my toys out the pram and ask for more money so i can graze on M & S finest pork pies while a computer pushes a button for me, but i don't as i am English, carved from the land and fed on stuff of champions English!

    Bravo ! Thats the spirit !

  • it's WappingWarrior!

  • Miners? Didn't that nice Mr Churchill have them all shot?

    NO. I didn't

  • No winston he said *that nice Mr Churchill*

  • Wayne, I was speaking ironically.

  • sorry, I can't hear ya, tinnitus ya see, from the mines…

  • well yeah I can see irony would sound a bit tinny

  • Winding up Winston aside

    I thought it was great seeing all the people out that wouldn't do it, i have heard a lot of "i feel surprisingly good", "it's quicker than the bus" and "i am all energised"

    hang on a minute, ive not thought this through properly.
    if all and sundry, feel good, dont get depressed on the commute and feel all energised.........

    what advantage will I have over them?

    redundancy beckons

  • hang about, that t-shirt, that hair - something toy want to share with us Greasy?

    I want one of three maggie heads howling at the moon in water colour

  • Are people who press buttons when automation fails really responsible for the lives of thousands? you could go on and say the burger flipper in McDs in Oxford St is also responsible for the lives of thousands (those he feeds).

    When it comes to pay you get what you negotiate. negotiation is based on what you percieve you are worth against what the market/company believes you are worth plus what available money there is.
    They are paid well above the average and it annoys people when they ask for more doing what is seen as a semi skilled job.

    Makes it worse when they abuse their position to do this, putting everyones day out of joint.
    How would we react if nurses, care workers, police, bin men, street cleaners and security guards all stopped working for a day to get more money? it's a weak way to negotiate

    Worth to the community is a funny one. Tube drives seem like they have great worth to the community because the effect when they stop working is immediate and obvious. If all the people in labs across the country who are making vaccines stopped working no one would care, until people could not be vaccinated, then previously controlled diseases became endemic within society and many people start to die. The worth of these people is much greater IMO but no one would listen if they all went on strike. They would be harder to replace and restarting production would take alot longer. Still no one would listen to them as is't not as obvious or urgent. There are many other jobs like this too, but the connection and time lag between cause and effect can be even greater, and results of loosing them much more serious.

    I reiterate my previous point. If bin men stopped working it would cause far greater problems then if the tube stops to work. Disease killing young and old, rats every where and a disgusting place to live. But these people get paid nowt, they do however have a union and go on strike occationally. My old china is a dus-man and everyone in his round/crew took a pay cut in order to save one of their jobs.

    More power the the refuse collector!

  • dailly mail >>>>>>>

    freeeeee the bleak house one!

  • I didn't realise how middle class it was on here! Blimey...

  • Look he is outside the Northern line! POWER!

  • oh I see, so my dad going thro the miners strike was doing it all wrong, if only he sat down with that sensible Mrs Thatcher and chatted about it over a cup of tea then he wouldn't have had to put up with those nasty police charges

    To be fair, if all he had done was sat down with a nice cup of tea and had a chat, he almost certainly wouldn't have had to put up with those nasty police charges.

  • I didn't realise how middle class it was on here! Blimey...

    It's middle class everywhere. Including you, or you wouldn't be so concerned about the class question.

    (Even in a tube cab. It tends to be when you earn 40k a year and live in a big house in Essex.)

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Tube strike, London

Posted by Avatar for Alex @Alex
