not many cyclists this morn, but i did nearly get taken out last night on old street. riding a comfortable distance from the curb, in the bus lane, when this girl on a sit-up-and-beg comes haring up the inside. so close, she not only pretty much hits me, but she prangs her pedal on the curb! scared the shit out of me! so as we stop at the lights, we went up to her and asked, quite politely, "do you have any idea about passing people on the road?" to which she replied "you were riding too close to the curb, there was no room to go past. if i had gone on the right i would have got hit by a car" right, so no worries if you hit me and i subsequently swerve under a car? or the fact we were slowing for the lights/traffic ahead? if theres no room to pass, wait you stupid bint!! gaaah! longest post ever, but i couldnt believe how little grasp of how to ride on the road some people have!
hahaha I like the fact that she told you you were too close to the curb as she has already decided that that bit of the road was hers only.
hahaha I like the fact that she told you you were too close to the curb as she has already decided that that bit of the road was hers only.