• #127
a strike?? when?? where??
• #128
Who knows?
• #130
• #131
• #132
a strike?? when?? where??
3 strikes and you're out. Strike 1...
• #133
Well at least half my colleagues are taking the day off... due to tube strike... so it would be a quite day at work tomorrow...
• #134
I'm gonna srtike your face when I sees you.
yeah and your insane epee skils (sabreur?) won't help tiny dancer.
Not one little prancing reindeer.
Not even a little elf.
Nor a goblin.
nor a sprite.
not even a diet coke with lime. -
• #135
Henry dropping the sick rhymes
• #136
i got a feeling its gonna be more like i saw this morning, Guy on an "On One" single speed, riding through red lights and up and down pavements with what looked like all new gear and egg beaters .. clearly either a new rider or a new to spd rider as he "forgot" to unclip at the front of the traffic on the elephant and castle roundabout .. ouch ... didnt do much damage except for his pride and the scrape down the wing of the car about to pull away, it could have been much worse.
• #137
It's cool that people might get on their bike or walk or whatever. It's not cool when you live in zone 5 and need to bring in a suit, a laptop, a tripod and an slr (as well as locks, pump and other necessities when cycling). I know my bag is big, but not THAT big. I'd love the fact that I was being forced to take the long ride to uni that I don't normally make if I didn't have a massive film deadline coming up...very annoying, completely screwed up my (already behind) schedule.
• #138
Also, just read Dommyracer's post - if that thing about the driver is true, then that is disgraceful. I'd be willing to bet a lot of the staff who are striking don't even know that.
• #139
well i've been reading all 4 threads and they are all brill as is this one. don't listen to him G the using the search is gay.
• #140
Hahaha.. it's like the forum of old..
• #141
Except this thread and the other copies will be buried in about 10 seconds rather than 2 days which makes the whole thing slightly pointless.
Can we have that member cull yet?
• #142
death by d-lock for anyone who doesnt utfs?
• #143
Most drivers are ASLEF or RMT
Station staff are RMT or TSSA.
Bob Crowe and RMT are cocks. Recently there has been an Operating Cost Review going on, which has led to re-organisation - LUL / TfL has a very robust Org. Change Process (OCP) that was fully agreed with the unions. RMT walked out of negotiations / consultations at a very early stage, in a hissy fit. They can't stop the OCP, so by walking out their members are now not being represented! Idiots.
A new offer was made to them yesterday, but the sticking point was 2 drivers that have been sacked - one because he opened the doors on the wrong side and then lied about in the investigation.
...And the other driver is sacked due to theft.
Fuck sake Bob Crowe is one thieving cunts, you'd be very very very lucky to get a mere 1% raise in the current climate and the cheeky fucker with salaries above average and little hours, asking for a 5% raise!
other tube company is perfectly happy with it, expect RMT, because of Bob fucking Crowe.
• #144
Also, just read Dommyracer's post - if that thing about the driver is true, then that is disgraceful. I'd be willing to bet a lot of the staff who are striking don't even know that.
lying about having safety check is pretty serious thought, would you side with the truck driver whose door fling open due to being held together by coat hanger and narrowly missed Boris Johnson and co?
• #145
I'm rather looking forward to the commute to and from work over the next couple of days. I just hope it's not going to be ruined by dicks undertaking me.
Attention new cyclists
If you're new to cycling and attempt passing between me and the curb I will kill you in the face. :) -
• #146
I was taking the piss btw......weapons! ;-)
• #147
Thanks to my wonderful bicycle I don't have to suffer the travel mayhem that the tube strike will undoubtedly be causing as I type, but I feel for those who are.
Whilst I am (just about) left of centre in my political views and think unions are generally I good idea, this lot don't seem to know the meaning of 'negotiate' and will down tools at the drop of a hat; it's on their terms or nothing.
I saw a report on the RMT's demands the other night which also showed what tube drivers get paid. It's already more than my psychologist girlfriend gets paid, more than I get paid as a fundraiser for a national charity, and they want a 5% pay rise and no threats of redundancies. We have lost staff through voluntary redundancy and pay rises have not matched inflation for two years but people still go to work because work needs to be done.
So fuck you, Bob - your lot ain't getting such a bad deal.
P.S. I am not having a moan cos they get paid more than me, by the way. I imagine it's a horrible, depressing job and I wouldn't want to do it.
• #148
how will you get to weight watchers jeremy beadle jnr?
• #149
rather than get in a strop with the one union that is still strong enough to call and go through with a strike - why not imagine what it would be like if every other union out there hadn't jumped in the pockets of the policticians at the first sign of cash.
• #150
it's like critical mass for cars out there
in case anyone has missed the other threads on this, you can add comments below.
to be honest - I ride a bike, it won't affect me much, apart from more infrequent wobbly nodders for the next couple of days.