You're saying "people can drive at the speed limit if they want, but should accept the responsibility of their actions".
I disagree with that. It should not be up to drivers to decide whether they can drive dangerously or not.
Oh no that's not what I meant, for example in one of my earlier posts I was talking about people driving at a dangerous speed while still being under the speed limit, having deadly consequences.
Might sound a bit draconian, but I believe anyone over the age of 70 should not be allowed to drive, at all. We, the taxpayers, should provide taxies instead. I also believe that cars should have trackers in them which automatically fine anyone who drives above the speed limit, repeatedly doesn't indicate when turning, etc.
That first bit I kind of agree on, personally I think people over a certain age should have to be retested every so often, the second bit I don't agree with, as with the speed limits people will assume that by obeying these tracking devices they are driving safely, which will not be the case.
This would also allow the speed limit to be dynamic (e.g. slower round corners, near schools etc). Thirdly I believe everyone should retake their driving test every three years. I also believe people should undergo a driving 'endurance' test about a year after they pass the normal test... driving round for about an hour to see if they got into any bad habits, not signally, driving dangerously etc.
A U.S. government study calculated the "Average Economic Cost per Death" in 2006 at $4,000,000. This is due to the fact that they cannot generate $100k a year for the economy anymore, because they're dead. There were 3,592 deaths on the road in the UK last year. Multiply those two numbers together gives you $14.4 billion. That's just the economic cost alone, let alone all of the pain and suffering caused. That's also not including people who are not killed but injured in a car accident.
Cars need to be taken more seriously, and the government needs to stop wasting money on retarded little schemes like in my original post.
I agree with all that.
The fact is that driving standards are set so low as to allow *anyone *to drive. It shouldn't be someone's right to drive on the road, it is a priveledge which should be taken away if they are a danger to other citizens.
Oh no that's not what I meant, for example in one of my earlier posts I was talking about people driving at a dangerous speed while still being under the speed limit, having deadly consequences.
That first bit I kind of agree on, personally I think people over a certain age should have to be retested every so often, the second bit I don't agree with, as with the speed limits people will assume that by obeying these tracking devices they are driving safely, which will not be the case.
I agree with all that.
Definitely agree with that