Try this one for Bletchley to the Stones. About 10mi shorter than Slag's route and far less dicking about on the A34.
But it's Stonehenge to Bletchley, not Bletchley to Stonehenge! It's the wrong way! ;)
i see what you did there.. yeah its a lot more direct, i usually hit the 303 when i drive south so haven't gone accross that route. that works for me.. Oliver? Skully? Em?
is it easy to publish that in to the bikely type website and get the gps map + an idea of the profile?
I get the impression that TSK has the best local knowledge, so I'd be happy to go with his route. The main criterion of acceptability for me is avoidance of hills. :)
But it's Stonehenge to Bletchley, not Bletchley to Stonehenge! It's the wrong way! ;)
I get the impression that TSK has the best local knowledge, so I'd be happy to go with his route. The main criterion of acceptability for me is avoidance of hills. :)