I totally bit off more than i could chew at gcse dt. built a guitar case where the guitar was in a neoprene bag suspended by bungee cords in an alu frame. Worked but the quality wasn't really there due to lack of time. Only person in the class that actually built what i'd designed but didn't get a great grade as i spent all my time building it not making mood boards and brainstorms. Tolerances were non-existant and i still struggled. Learnt a lot and if i'd taken product design at uni i would have built it again to a much higher standard when i had the time skills. I ended up studying guitar making instead which is equally rad.
Maybe make a lugged reynolds 531 desk? That would be pretty damn awesome and you'd get to practice your brazing without having to ride it on the roads.
I totally bit off more than i could chew at gcse dt. built a guitar case where the guitar was in a neoprene bag suspended by bungee cords in an alu frame. Worked but the quality wasn't really there due to lack of time. Only person in the class that actually built what i'd designed but didn't get a great grade as i spent all my time building it not making mood boards and brainstorms. Tolerances were non-existant and i still struggled. Learnt a lot and if i'd taken product design at uni i would have built it again to a much higher standard when i had the time skills. I ended up studying guitar making instead which is equally rad.
Maybe make a lugged reynolds 531 desk? That would be pretty damn awesome and you'd get to practice your brazing without having to ride it on the roads.