What he said, Ed. Of course there's 'nothing wrong' with the stock lens. But who is this 'average individual' you're on about? I think I'm probably one of them: photography is a hobby, albeit one I would like, with practice and experience, to take further. Within a few months of owning my D40 I decided I wanted more reach than the 55 mm (or, anticipating your comments, whatever that equates to in 35 mm/ full frame terms) the kit lens would allow so I got a longer, faster lens. Now I am about to replace the kit lens range with another fast lens as f/3.5 simply isn't fast enough for many applications. This is all on a low-end body which this 'average individual' got not knowing whether or not photography would become a serious interest.
"Better" is a very subjective term, but I can tell you that I get better bokeh, contrast and colour reproduction with my more expensive lenses than I do with the kit.
I was litterally gonna right something just like that. I'm also a big fan of Bokeh and a shallow depth of field so as soon as CrazyJames offered me his 50mm f1.4 for £100 I snatched it up reaaaaal quick! Ever since I've never bothered with my zoom lens. Now that I have a 85mm f1.8 I'm deffinitely not touching my kit lens.
Also good choice on the olympus. I LOVE that pancake lens, it's just so awesome haha.
I was litterally gonna right something just like that. I'm also a big fan of Bokeh and a shallow depth of field so as soon as CrazyJames offered me his 50mm f1.4 for £100 I snatched it up reaaaaal quick! Ever since I've never bothered with my zoom lens. Now that I have a 85mm f1.8 I'm deffinitely not touching my kit lens.
Also good choice on the olympus. I LOVE that pancake lens, it's just so awesome haha.