saw that yeah. have asked collegues for a coordinated response to the schmecho, its typical lazy writing, and gives punters a chance to moan and hang their misperceptions on the actions of a few idiots.
hopefully hit them with some balancing stats about the overwhelming disparity between cycle and vehicle 'accidents'
leaving Southbourne school 0850 weds for brighton ride, company welcome -start carbo loading now....looks like it could be moody weather....
saw that yeah. have asked collegues for a coordinated response to the schmecho, its typical lazy writing, and gives punters a chance to moan and hang their misperceptions on the actions of a few idiots.
hopefully hit them with some balancing stats about the overwhelming disparity between cycle and vehicle 'accidents'
leaving Southbourne school 0850 weds for brighton ride, company welcome -start carbo loading now....looks like it could be moody weather....