• #2
Hi mate, long time no see..
I think the way you are currently doing it is unfortunately the best way, unless you can route around it somehow.
When I hit a section like that I tend to get up a bit more speed and put myself just over the dotted line so as to dissuade a biker going around and to ensure they oncoming traffic knows about me. This is a bit inconsiderate of the motorists coming towards me but I value my life a bit more than their opinions.
Getting the eye of the car directly behind you and signaling by way of pointing to where you are going ahead of the turn will usually get you a few seconds of grace and consideration as a vulnerable road user.
See you soon.
• #3
have a chain in your hand link in 'Road Rash' and if any scooters or moto's come near you lash them with the chain!
• #4
Ride in the middle of the lane. People can fucking wait for you.
• #5
You should always try and make yourself more of an obstacle in these situations, its safer, and learn to live with the stream of abuse.... -
• #6
I've given up on that junction and just bail onto the island with the ped crossing under the bridge and take the cyclepath through Brookmill park into Lewisham if I have to.
Even going straight up the hill from those lights is nasty as the left hand lane takes you straight into the bus stop dead end and middle lane means people trying to speed past you on the bend where GHR goes left.
• #7
I use that route home regularly (driving) and it's a bit of a race track at times with lots going on, particularly if there's parked vehicles outside the court. My immediate thoughts would be to bail out from riding on the road at the lights at Greenwich High Road and use the footpath along past KwikFit etc. I assume you must be at your destination pretty well by this point as all the right turns are into dead ends.
• #8
I frequently find myself coming up to Deptford Bridge going West to East on the way home.
I'm either coming up from New Cross Road or turning left from Deptford Church street.
If you know this road, it can be fairly busy and fast moving, at other times, there are long queues and frustrated drivers.
My problem is that I need to turn right soon after the junction with Greenwich high road, so I don't want to put myself in the left lane or I'll never get across to the outside. (streetview gives a good idea of the two lanes). So, I go to the outside lane as soon as possible.
But then I've got the trouble of cars right up my backside if I take the whole lane.
So I find myself riding along the dotted line trying not to get squashed by oncoming traffic and indicating/looking over my shoulder frequently so they hordes of mopeds and bikes don't try and overtake me as I slow down to turn right.
Is there a better way for me to do this?
If you've ridden with me, you'll know that I'm as assertive as the next guy. It's just that I've made a few silly mistakes this week, and hey, we could all use some help, right?
never been, but my advice, without reading the thread is to find a safer route.
i've been riding over twenty years, and it took me a good 15 to finally learn that an extra mile of safe riding is more fun than going the way of the dodo.
I frequently find myself coming up to Deptford Bridge going West to East on the way home.
I'm either coming up from New Cross Road or turning left from Deptford Church street.
If you know this road, it can be fairly busy and fast moving, at other times, there are long queues and frustrated drivers.
My problem is that I need to turn right soon after the junction with Greenwich high road, so I don't want to put myself in the left lane or I'll never get across to the outside. (streetview gives a good idea of the two lanes). So, I go to the outside lane as soon as possible.
But then I've got the trouble of cars right up my backside if I take the whole lane.
So I find myself riding along the dotted line trying not to get squashed by oncoming traffic and indicating/looking over my shoulder frequently so they hordes of mopeds and bikes don't try and overtake me as I slow down to turn right.
Is there a better way for me to do this?
If you've ridden with me, you'll know that I'm as assertive as the next guy. It's just that I've made a few silly mistakes this week, and hey, we could all use some help, right?