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  • So, no impressive videos to show me? C'mon... hit me with your best shot.

    Because surfers where wrong about skate boarders, doesn't mean I am about fixed gear free stylers. The analogy is meh. And skate boarders didn't whine and moan, and demand that their incipient sport be given the benefit of the doubt, and that at some point down the line they would eventually become bad ass mofos. No, they just got good. Good enough that you could show a skate video to your granny and she'd be like "what the fuck (yo)? that shit is tight!". Fixters, on the other hand, seem a bit petulant and self-agrandising. Me no like that.

    As something to do to amuse yourself while drinking cans with your mates in a supermarket carpark it's cool with me - it's the aspiration to be taken for a culture, a sport, a fucking *movement *that I find a bit, well, giggle-worthy.

    I'm normally a nice guy on the internet, but for some reason I seem to have decided to be a contrary bastard on this forum - not sure why - might be because it's a bit of a love-in.

    Fair point on the rollerblades though. Again, I was 11. That can't emphasised enough.


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