@Niceonetom, to be fair man the whole bicycle acrobatics business is incredibly impressive, I love the scene in Quicksilver where they're all doing bicycle acrobatics, but you have to recognise that bicycle acrobatics and where fixed tricks are going now are two different paths, comparable to the difference between street BMX riding and flatland.
People like Superted, Keo, Tom LaMarche and Ed Wonka (and a whole bunch of guys over in Japan, Macaframa etc.) are pushing a more aggresive style of trick riding with jumps, drops, grinds and other things that just aren't relevant to acrobatic riding. You also have to appreciate that this is a style of riding in it's infancy... watch a movie like Lords of Dogtown and the re-enactments of early skate competitions and a 360 spin was enough to get people going crazy and compare that to how skating is nowadays... This is where fixed tricks are now... they're just starting...
You need to appreciate that this is the beginning of something and that nay-sayers saying "just ride BMX" or "this is shite compared to acrobatic riding" are only going to have a negative impact on the growth of this and I for one feel that this should be promoted and pushed forward to become something really exciting... Fixed tricks could be big like BMX or skating and that can only bring good things to the sport in the form of sponsorship and money to companies who otherwise are not capable of developing their products as they would like to or at least not without huge pricetags for the finished product...
Give it a chance and let people enjoy themselves because I reckon they're going to be get to enjoy the beginning of something that's going to be huge... mayeb even give it a try yourself before you knock it...
@Niceonetom, to be fair man the whole bicycle acrobatics business is incredibly impressive, I love the scene in Quicksilver where they're all doing bicycle acrobatics, but you have to recognise that bicycle acrobatics and where fixed tricks are going now are two different paths, comparable to the difference between street BMX riding and flatland.
People like Superted, Keo, Tom LaMarche and Ed Wonka (and a whole bunch of guys over in Japan, Macaframa etc.) are pushing a more aggresive style of trick riding with jumps, drops, grinds and other things that just aren't relevant to acrobatic riding. You also have to appreciate that this is a style of riding in it's infancy... watch a movie like Lords of Dogtown and the re-enactments of early skate competitions and a 360 spin was enough to get people going crazy and compare that to how skating is nowadays... This is where fixed tricks are now... they're just starting...
You need to appreciate that this is the beginning of something and that nay-sayers saying "just ride BMX" or "this is shite compared to acrobatic riding" are only going to have a negative impact on the growth of this and I for one feel that this should be promoted and pushed forward to become something really exciting... Fixed tricks could be big like BMX or skating and that can only bring good things to the sport in the form of sponsorship and money to companies who otherwise are not capable of developing their products as they would like to or at least not without huge pricetags for the finished product...
Give it a chance and let people enjoy themselves because I reckon they're going to be get to enjoy the beginning of something that's going to be huge... mayeb even give it a try yourself before you knock it...